Setting Plotly X-axis to Start at Zero: A Solution (2024)

Abstract: When working with Plotly in Python, setting the X-axis to start at zero can be a bit tricky. In this article, we'll explore how to achieve this using the Plotly Express library.

2024-08-08 by DevCodeF1 Editors

Setting Plotly X-axis to Start at Zero: A Comprehensive Guide

Plotly is a popular open-source plotting library that allows users to create interactive and customizable visualizations in Python. One common issue that users encounter when working with Plotly is setting the X-axis to start at zero. In this article, we will explore the proper way to set the X-axis to start at zero in Plotly.

Why Set the X-axis to Start at Zero?

Setting the X-axis to start at zero can be important for maintaining the integrity of the data being visualized. When the X-axis does not start at zero, it can distort the perception of the data and make it difficult to accurately compare different data points. This is especially true when the data points are spread out over a large range.

The Problem with User Range Mode

One common solution that users try when attempting to set the X-axis to start at zero is to use the user range mode. This mode allows users to set the range of the X-axis manually. However, this method is not always effective, as the X-axis may still not start at zero even when the user range is set to zero.

The Proper Way to Set the X-axis to Start at Zero

The proper way to set the X-axis to start at zero in Plotly is to use the layout attribute of the Figure object. The layout attribute allows users to customize various aspects of the plot, including the X-axis range.

To set the X-axis to start at zero, users can use the following code:

fig.update_layout(xaxis=dict(range=[0, max(data)]))

In this code, fig is the Figure object, and data is the data being plotted.

The range parameter of the xaxis attribute is used to set the range of the X-axis. In this case, the range is set to start at zero and end at the maximum value of the data. This ensures that the X-axis starts at zero and covers the entire range of the data.


Here is an example of how to use this method to set the X-axis to start at zero:

import plotly.graph_objects as godata = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Bar(x=data, y=data)])fig.update_layout(xaxis=dict(range=[0, max(data)]))

In this example, a bar chart is created using the plotly.graph_objects module. The X-axis is then set to start at zero using the update_layout method.

  • Setting the X-axis to start at zero is important for maintaining the integrity of the data being visualized.
  • The user range mode is not always effective for setting the X-axis to start at zero.
  • The proper way to set the X-axis to start at zero in Plotly is to use the layout attribute of the Figure object and set the range parameter of the xaxis attribute.


Learn how to set Plotly X-axis to start at zero with a few simple steps. Dive into the world of data visualization using Plotly Express in Python.

Setting Plotly X-axis to Start at Zero: A Solution (2024)


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