Proficiency Exams | Department of Mathematics (2024)

The Department of Mathematics offers in-person, proctored credit by examination (EM) for a selection of courses through the Testing Center. Students who believe their math placement results are inaccurate may schedule an in-person, proctored Proficiency Exam for the course of their initial placement. Students who demonstrate proficiency (80% graded score or above) will be permitted to schedule more advanced courses. A student may not test out of a course in which they are currently enrolled, or have an assigned letter grade. Please emailus at for a testing referral to see if you qualify

Math Courses with Proficiency Exams

The following courses within the Department of Mathematics have a proficiency test available. This allows students to show sufficient content knowledge of a course, earn EM credit, and progress forward without having to take the class during regular semester classes.This is a one-time only opportunity - no re-tests are permitted.

Proficiency Exams are available for:

  • Math 1050Precollege Mathematics I (no credit awarded)
  • Math 1075Precollege Mathematics II (no credit awarded)
  • Math 1130College Algebra for Business
  • Math 1131Calculus for Business
  • Math 1148College Algebra
  • Math 1149Trigonometry
  • Math 1150Precalculus
  • Math 1151Calculus I
  • Math 1152Calculus II
  • Math 1172Engineering Mathematics A
  • Math 2153Calculus III

Before Test Day

Students are only permitted to take the Math Proficiency Exam once and should study for this test. The Math Proficiency Exam will be similar to a cumulative final exam. Syllabi, topics lists, and practice exams can be found on each of the course pages. Students may also find additional resources on the Mathematics Statistics Learning Center’s website.

The Math Proficiency Exam is a 2-hour long written (paper) exam. Students will need to provide written justification on all problems. Problems without work will not receive credit. Pay close attention to the directions as problems solved with methods other than instructed will not receive credit. Partial credit may be awarded, but students need to show ALL work.

To receive a Mathematics Proficiency Exam Referral

  • Please emailus at for a testing referral to see if you qualify.

If you would like to request proficiency exam accommodations, you will need to submit an application and documentation to Student Life Disability Services (SLDS)priorto taking the exam.You can use this link to complete your application:New Student Application. Please allow 2-3 business days for processing.Typical accommodations may include extended time, alternative formats, and Reader/scribe. If you are interested in utilizing academic accommodations as an OSU student, you will need to complete theregistration process. Please contact Michelle Salomone (, for more information.

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Calculator Guidelines

Proficiency exams forMath 1050Precollege Mathematics I andMath 1075Precollege Mathematics II:

Only a non-CAS (Computer Algebra System) graphing calculator is permitted; TI-83 and TI-84 are permitted. If the calculator is chosen to be used for problems that do not specifically require an algebraic solution, a clear explanation and a sketch of all graphs or tables used to solve the problem are required.

Proficiency exams forMath 1130College Algebra for Business,Math 1131Calculus for Business,Math 1148College Algebra,Math 1149Trigonometry,Math 1150Precalculus, andMath 2153Calculus III:

A graphing calculator without a QWERTY keyboard (e.g. TI-84) is allowed for use on these exams, but students must justify their answers by showing work to get full credit. No cellphones, laptops, or other electronic devices with full QWERTY keyboards will be permitted and may be removed during the test. Once again, no retesting is permitted so it is imperative that students have the appropriate, approved calculator when taking their proficiency exam.

Proficiency exams forMath 1151Calculus I,Math 1152Calculus II, andMath 1172Math for Engineers A:

***No calculators are permitted on these exams.***

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After Test Day

You will be notified if you have passed or failed the Math Proficiency Exam by email two or three business days after completing the exam.

If you pass the exam will be able to enroll in the next level Math course and any other courses that requires the course as a prerequisite. If you wish to take the Proficiency Exam for the next level math course, you must receive another test referral from theMath Advising Office.

What do the proficiency exam scores mean?

  • For scores of 80% or higher:students will be eligible to enroll in the next course in the sequence and will be granted credit for the course over which they tested.
  • Scores between 70-80% will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Math Department but does not ensure going on to the next level.
  • For scores less than 70%:students need to remain in the math course indicated by their course code.

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Proficiency Exams | Department of Mathematics (2024)


What is proficiency in mathematics? ›

Mathematical proficiency is the ability to competently apply the five interdependent strands of mathematical proficiency to mathematical investigations. The components of mathematical proficiency are conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, strategic competence, adaptive reasoning, and productive disposition.

What are proficiency exams? ›

The purpose of any proficiency test is to find out whether you have already got the knowledge and the skills that are taught in a particular course even though you have not taken the course on our campus.

What are the strands of mathematical proficiency? ›

The five strands are interwoven and interdependent in the development of proficiency in mathematics and include: Conceptual Understanding - the comprehension of mathematical concepts, operations, and relations Procedural Fluency - skill in carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and appropriately ...

What is math proficiency comprised of? ›

conceptual understanding—comprehension of mathematical concepts, operations, and relations. procedural fluency—skill in carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and appropriately. strategic competence—ability to formulate, represent, and solve mathematical problems.

What are the 5 mathematical proficiencies? ›

The five mathematical proficiencies – Conceptual understanding, Communication using symbols, Fluency, Logical reasoning and Strategic competence – can be applied and connected by using a range of real-life contexts to introduce and explore mathematical concepts, as well as to consolidate them.

What are the 4 proficiencies of math? ›

The mathematical proficiencies - reasoning, problem solving, understanding and fluency - are closely intertwined, each one made stronger by the others.

What is an example of a proficiency exam? ›

IELTS and TOEFL are examples of proficiency tests. Proficiency tests often have a significant backwash effect on the classroom, as learners' focus narrows to preparing the test items. One way to make practice for exams more meaningful is by asking learners to prepare their own practice questions for the group.

What are the different proficiency tests? ›

English proficiency tests like TOEFL, IELTS, and PTE have varying formats, content, and scoring. TOEFL focuses on academic English, measuring reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills. IELTS assesses real-life English in academic and general contexts, with listening, reading, writing, and speaking sections.

What is the best proficiency test? ›

The most popular English proficiency tests are:
  • TOEFL.
  • IELTS.
  • C1 Advanced.
  • C2 Proficiency.

What is a proficiency scale in math? ›

A proficiency scale is a table used by teachers and students to determine the student's current level of progress and achievement toward meeting the expectations of a learning standard. Proficiency scales use a 4-point system where a score of 3.0 indicates proficiency - meeting the standard's expectation(s).

What are the mathematical competencies in math? ›

Mathematical thinking competency includes understanding and handling of scope and limitations of a given concept; posing questions that are characteristic of mathematics and knowing the kinds of answers that mathematics may offer; extending the scope of a concept by abstracting and generalizing results; distinguishing ...

What is proficiency in maths? ›

Similar to reading and writing, we can think of math proficiency as a blending of: Concepts (Understanding concepts, operations, and relations) Procedures (Using procedures flexibly, accurately, and efficiently) Strategies (Formulating, representing, and solving problems)

How to be proficient in mathematics? ›

Here are some insightful tips and tricks that can help you excel in math:
  1. Break Down Complex Problems.
  2. Master The Basic Math Skills.
  3. Know The Importance Of Number Sense.
  4. Have A Regular And Consistent Practice.
  5. Establish A Routine.
  6. Focus On Understanding New Concepts.
  7. Create A Practice Math Test.
Jun 14, 2023

What makes a student mathematically proficient? ›

Mathematically proficient students can

Understand symbols and use them consistently within the context of a problem. Calculate answers efficiently and accurately and label them appropriately. Formulate precise explanations (orally and in written form) using both mathematical representations and words.

How do you define proficiency level? ›

The scale ranges from proficiency levels 1-5:
  1. NA - Not Applicable.
  2. 1 - Fundamental Awareness (basic knowledge)
  3. 2 - Novice (limited experience)
  4. 3 - Intermediate (practical application)
  5. 4 - Advanced (applied theory)
  6. 5 - Expert (recognized authority)


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