Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) | Department of Mathematics (2024)

Program Synopsis and Training

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) | Department of Mathematics (1)

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in mathematics is the highest degree offered by our program. Graduates will have demonstrated their ability to conduct independent scientific research and contribute new mathematical knowledge and scholarship in their area of specialization. They will be well-supported and well prepared for research and faculty positions at academic institutions anywhere in the world. Owing to their independence, analytic abilities, and proven tenacity, our PhD graduates are also sought after by private and government employers.

Our PhD program offers two tracks, one for Theoretical Mathematics and one for Applied Mathematics. The tracks differ only in the course andqualifying requirements during the first two years. Applicants are required to decide on one of the tracks and applications will be evaluated subject to respective criteria described below.

Once students have passed their Qualifying Requirements, the two tracks merge and there is no distinction in later examinations and research opportunities. In particular, the candidacy exam for both tracks consists of a research proposal, the graduate faculty available for advising is the same, and the final degree and thesis defense are independent of the initially chosen track.

Qualifying Requirements by Track

The qualifying requirements for the theoretical track are fulfilled by passing our Abstract Algebra course sequence (Math 6111, Math 6112) andour Real Analysis course sequence (Math 6211, Math 6212), each with at least an A-, orby passing a respective examination.

The qualifying requirements for the applied track combine a mandatory Scientific Computingcourse (Math 6601), one of the algebra or analysis courses, and three additional courses chosen fromMath 6602, Math 6411,Math 6451, and the courses comprising the algebra and analysis sequences.

The breadth requirements in the applied track are more flexible than in the theoretical track, but also include a mandatory graduate course in a non-math STEM department from an approved list.

You can find more information about our PhD program requirement here.

Opportunities & Outcomes

The research opportunities and academic outcomes of our doctoral program are described in detail in the Graduate Program Prospectus[pdf].

Our department has about 80 active graduate faculty on the Columbus and regional campuses. Virtually every area of mathematics is represented in our program, with a sampling displayed below.

  • Commutative, Non-commutative, & Quantum Algebra
  • Analytic, Algebraic, Computational Number Theory
  • Algebraic Geometry, Tropical Geometry
  • Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics
  • Real and Complex Analysis
  • Functional Analysis, Operator Algebras
  • Combinatorics and Graph Theory
  • Differential Geometry
  • Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory
  • Financial and Actuarial Mathematics
  • Logic and Foundations
  • Probability Theory, Statistical Mechanics
  • Mathematical Biology
  • Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
  • Representation theory
  • Scientific Computing
  • Topology, Topological Data Analysis

See also ourApplied Mathematics Topics List[pdf].

Our program offers many support opportunities without teaching duties as well, to allow more time for scientific endeavors. These opportunities include university fellowships, external funding, and departmental fellowships and special assignments.See theFinancial Supportpage for more details.

The median time to degree completion in our program is below six years but also varies significantly among our students, with as little as four years for students entering with substantial prior preparations. Funding is guaranteed for six years and can be extended to seven years with advisor support and the permission of the Graduate Studies Committee.

Most of our graduates continue their careers in academia. Post-doctoral placements in the last two years include, for example, UCLA, Stanford, ETH-Zürich, Brown University, University of Michigan, Northwestern University, University of Vienna,EPF Lausanne, Free University at Berlin, Purdue University, and University of Utah. In recent years our graduates also went to Princeton University, IAS, University of Chicago, Yale University, University of Michigan, Cal-Tech, Northwestern University, University of Texas, Duke University, SUNY Stony Brook, Purdue University, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, and Indiana University. Recent non-academic placements include Google, Facebook, Amazon, NSA, and prestigious financial institutions.

Students also have access to training and networking opportunities that prepare them better for careers in private industry and teaching - for example, through the Erdős Institute- and are regularly offered highly competitive positions in the industry.

Nearly half of the graduate population consists of domestic students coming from both larger universities and smaller liberal arts colleges with a solid math curriculum.And as a program group member of the National Math Alliance, we arededicated to enhancing diversity in our program and the scientific community. The International students in our program come from all parts of the world with a wide variety of educational backgrounds.



Graduate Office
Department of Mathematics
The Ohio State University
231 W 18th Avenue(MA 102)
Columbus, Ohio 43210
United States of America

Phone: (614) 292-6274
Fax: (614) 292-1479

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) | Department of Mathematics (2024)


How hard is it to get a doctorate in philosophy? ›

Earning a PhD in philosophy takes hard work and perseverance. The process of getting your PhD in philosophy varies depending on the university and program. However, almost all programs will require coursework, intense research, and a completed dissertation.

Do you call a math PhD doctor? ›

Individuals who hold a PhD have the right to use the title “Doctor” in front of their name as they are a person with a doctoral degree.

How hard is it to get into a top math PhD? ›

Try to obtain good scores.

To be in reasonable standing for graduate admissions, consider as a rough target a mathematics GPA of 3.5, a general mathematics GRE score of 780, and a subject mathematics GRE score of 700.

Is pure math PhD hard? ›

Getting a PhD in Mathematics is not an easy task. Students need to learn different math courses, some of which require advanced knowledge of mathematics. There is some standard mathematics PhD coursework, like classes in mathematical analysis or mathematical logic.

What is the hardest degree to get a PhD in? ›

What are the hardest degree subjects? The hardest degree subjects are Aerospace Engineering, Law, Chartered Accountancy, Architecture, Chemistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, Psychology, Statistics, Nursing, Physics, Astrophysics, Biomedical Engineering, Astronomy, and Dentistry.

How competitive is PhD in philosophy? ›

It's much more competitive than law school, or med school, or anything else. From what I've heard, other programs range from 150 applicants up to around 300-400. It's very competitive everywhere.

Is it obnoxious to use the title Dr. if you have a PhD? ›

A doctoral degree (PhD) is a degree that one earns after a master's degree. A PhD entitles a person to use the title doctor. These are the social and physical scientists who conduct and evaluate published research.

Can I call myself Dr. if I have a PhD? ›

What does PhD stand for? A PhD is a Doctor of Philosophy. In answer to the question, “Is a PhD a doctor,” the answer is yes. Both a PhD and a professional doctorate like an EdD earn you the title of “doctor.” But there are differences between the types of doctoral degrees.

What is better, a PhD or a doctorate? ›

Consider your career goals: Think thoroughly about what your future career goals are to help you decide. A Ph. D. is best for a career in academic research, while a doctorate offers the most opportunities for working in a practical environment.

What is the dropout rate for math PhD? ›

Ph. D programs, even at elite schools and in science or engineering, are by comparison a horror show of failure and attrition. It looks like completion rates for engineering - best of the bunch, are around 65%. For mathematics and physical sciences, it's about 55%.

What is the average salary for someone with a PhD in math? ›

While ZipRecruiter is seeing annual salaries as high as $94,500 and as low as $22,500, the majority of Applied Mathematics Phd salaries currently range between $45,000 (25th percentile) to $70,000 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $85,000 annually across the United States.

What is the hardest math in university? ›

However, some of the universally acknowledged challenging math courses include: 1. Real Analysis: This course is sometimes referred to as the most difficult undergraduate math course because it delves deep into the theoretical foundations of calculus.

What do math PhDs do all day? ›

As a PhD student, we have to research a particular area of mathematics with the intention of performing some novel research. As part of my PhD, it is required that I produce research papers, as well as yearly reports to monitor my progression. It is also expected that I present my work at seminars or conferences.

Are there fewer math PhDs? ›

Gone are the days of the mid 1900s, where fresh PhD graduates could reasonably expect to land a couple postdocs and then get a tenure track positions, or easily pivot to industry with handsome compensation. According to the AMS, 860 Math PhDs were awarded in 1982, but 2017 saw 1,957 Math PhDs awarded.

Is it worth doing a PhD in philosophy? ›

The transferable career capital you gain is relatively poor. Getting a philosophy PhD is weak in terms of transferable career capital compared to other options that are likely open to someone who can enter a top philosophy programme.

How long does it take to do a PhD in philosophy? ›

The Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Philosophy is a three- to four-year full-time research programme whereby you undertake a doctoral level research project under the guidance of your supervisor(s).

Does a PhD in philosophy make you a Doctor? ›

Individuals who have earned the Doctor of Philosophy degree use the title Doctor (often abbreviated "Dr" or "Dr."), although the etiquette associated with this usage may be subject to the professional ethics of the particular scholarly field, culture, or society.

Can anyone do PhD in philosophy? ›

The minimum requirement for admission to a PhD degree is one of the following: completion of a Master of Research (MRes) with a grade of at least a Distinction level (75 per cent or greater) a Master of Philosophy. a two-year masters degree with a major research component at Distinction level (75 per cent or greater).


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