Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (2024)

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Top Dredge Addons

Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (1)

Malthinker's Skull

Those who brought negativity to the commune would mysteriously disappear from time to time.Their remains were never found... until The Dredge brought them up.

  • Increases the Charge rate of the Nightfall Meter while Survivors are injured by +66% per second.


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (2)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (3)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (4)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (5)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (6)


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (7)

Broken Doll

Followers brought their families to live in a utopia.None of them were spared.

  • Increases the duration of Nightfall by +20 seconds.


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Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (13)

Field Recorder

Haddie documented all of her forays near Overlaps, to prove not only to the world but herself what she saw and felt.

  • Causes the Trial to start in Nightfall.
  • Causes Nightfall to activate automatically once the last Generator is completed.
  • Survivors suffer from the Exhausted Status Effect for 15 seconds after coming into contact with the Remnant.


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (14)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (15)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (16)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (17)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (18)


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (19)

Lavalier Microphone

She kept a lavalier mic nearby, allowing her to record her innermost feelings when under great stress.

  • The Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 3 seconds after consuming the last Power Token.
  • Causes all Lockers within 6 metres of Survivors to open and slam their doors when entering them through teleporation.


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (20)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (21)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (22)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (23)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (24)


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (25)

Haddie's Calendar

She planned to cross out each day until her parents took her to India, but when tragedy struck, she abandoned her calendar.

  • Reduces the Exiting time of locked Lockers by -1 second.


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Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (31)

Boat Key

Only one boat allowed people on and off the island, and the keys were hidden away to prevent deserters.

  • Increases your Teleportation speed during Daytime by +5 m/s.
  • Causes all active Locks on Lockers to break once the Exit Gates are powered by any means.


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (32)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (33)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (34)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (35)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (36)


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (37)

Ottomarian Writing

The words of Otto Stamper were the only words available for his followers to read, decrying malthink and malspeak.

  • Reduces the Cool-down time of The Gloaming by -4 seconds during Daytime.


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (38)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (39)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (40)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (41)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (42)


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (43)

Worry Stone

While the Ottomarians were told to think only positive thoughts, some kept these stones in their pockets to rub when negative thoughts arose.

  • The Auras of Survivors locking a Locker are revealed to you for 6 seconds.


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Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (49)

Caffeine Tablets

Stamper's followers were told not to sleep, or they would bring the wrath of Druanee upon them.Towards the end, he brought in drugs from the mainland.

  • The Auras of locked Lockers are highlighted to you in yellow while charging The Gloaming or teleporting.


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (50)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (51)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (52)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (53)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (54)


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (55)

Follower's Cowl

They believed the cowls proved their enlightenment, but they merely kept them in darkness.

  • Returning to the Remnant triggers Killer Instinct during Daytime.


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (56)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (57)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (58)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (59)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (60)


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (61)

Fallen Shingle

After the Ottomarians were subsumed by The Dredge, the mansion fell into disrepair.

  • Increases the Charge rate of the Nightfall Meter while using Reign of Darkness by +15% per second.


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (62)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (63)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (64)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (65)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (66)


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (67)

Iridescent Wooden Plank

Once the journalist's blood stained the wooden boards of the stage, everything was set into motion for The Dredge's arrival.

  • Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for the last 12 seconds of Nightfall.

"She came here to poison your minds with fear! Do not let the fear in!" - Otto Stamper


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (68)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (69)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (70)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (71)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (72)


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (73)

Destroyed Pillow

While not allowed to sleep, leaders amongst the Ottomarians tore sleeping supplies to shreds to prevent malthinkers from sneaking off to nap.

  • Reduces the Cool-down time of The Gloaming by -2.5 seconds during Nightfall.


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (74)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (75)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (76)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (77)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (78)


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (79)

Burnt Letters

Some followers tried to write letters home.Stamper ensured that nobody would have contact with the outside world.

  • Increases the Charges added to the Nightfall Meter for injuring Survivors by +25%.


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (80)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (81)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (82)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (83)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (84)


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (85)

Air Freshener

After her parents were found, this was in the bag of belongings the police returned.Haddie does not know why she keeps it.

  • Increases the number of available Power Tokens to 4.


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (86)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (87)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (88)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (89)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (90)


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (91)

Tilling Blade

The island was self-sufficient, and followers tilled the tough soil to grow crops during the warm season.

  • Survivors suffer from the Blindness, Haemorrhage, and Mangled Status Effects for 80 seconds after becoming injured during Nightfall.

"Like a predatory beast, it can smell and track blood."


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (92)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (93)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (94)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (95)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (96)


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (97)

Wooden Plank

A wooden plank torn from the stage where Otto Stamper sacrificed a meddling journalist.

  • Increases the Charges added to the Nightfall Meter for hooking Survivors by +25%.


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Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (103)

Sacrificial Knife

When a journalist attempted to warn the Ottomarians of Stamper's true task, he slit her throat as a warning to any dissenters.

  • Blocks all Vault locations within 16 metres of the Locker you emerge from for 5 seconds.

"There are imposters amongst you! They intend to destroy our perfect home with dark thoughts. Find them and bring them to me!" - Otto Stamper


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (104)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (105)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (106)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (107)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (108)


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (109)

War Helmet

While investigating an Overlap in the Alps, she found an abandoned war bunker.She took a helmet from it after the Overlap nearly took her.

  • Increases the duration of Killer Instinct by +1.5 seconds during Nightfall.


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (110)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (111)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (112)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (113)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (114)


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (115)

Mortar and Pestle

Disconnected from the world and modern medicine, Stamper's followers originally had to make do with the flora local to the island.

  • You emerge from the Remnant facing your direction at the moment of Teleportation, rather than the one in which you had placed the Remnant.


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (116)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (117)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (118)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (119)Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (120)


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? (2024)


Dead by Daylight dredge | What perks are the best for the dredge? ›

Arguably the best build to use with The Dredge in Dead by Daylight includes the anti-healing perks Sloppy Butcher and A Nurse's Calling to allow a faster buildup of his powerful Nightfall ability.

What is the best perk build for The Dredge? ›

On some maps you can win with 4 info perks only, on other you will play almost without perks, because you turned out to be on map with huge openfields and without lockers. Since his chases are not so fast, probably best build for wins is 3 slowdowns + Sloppy.

How good is The Dredge in Dead by Daylight? ›

His teleport is dreadfully slow and not worth it unless in nightfall. Nightfall otherwise does nothing unless vs the very worst survivors. His antiloop is not great and can be thwarted by good survivors or merely very strong loops. He is the loudest killer in the game with that obscene "woosh" noise.

What perks does The Dredge have? ›

Power and perks

Special Ability –The Gloaming: The Dredge can activate The Gloaming, leaving a Remnant behind. While The Gloaming is activated, The Dredge can teleport to any lockers across the map, allowing for heightened mobility and surprise attacks.

What is the best perk setup for Dead by Daylight? ›

The best all-around Survivor perks center around getting a speed boost in the chase and the safe rescue of hooked teammates. This build usually contains the following perks: Lithe (Feng Min) – After performing a rushed vault, sprint at 50% increased speed for 30 seconds. This perk has a 40-second cooldown.

How powerful is The Dredge? ›

Powers and Abilities

Umbrakinesis: The Dredge is able to plunge the Trials into near-total darkness by injuring and hooking survivors, as well as the ability to teleport. During Nightfall, the Dredge gains increased teleportation speed, and heightened senses.

What is the hardest killer in Dead by Daylight? ›

Dead by Daylight killer tier list: all 37 deadly DBD killers...
  • Who are the best Dead By Daylight killers? ...
  • Here is our current Dead by Daylight killer tier list:
  • The Nurse (Very Hard)
  • The Blight (Very Hard)
  • The Hillbilly (Moderate)
  • The Spirit (Hard)
  • The Wraith (Easy)
  • The Lich (Medium)
3 days ago

How fast is Dredge DBD? ›

The Dredge
WeaponKnotted Appendage
Movement Speed115 % | 4.6 m/s
Terror Radius32 metres
17 more rows

What does a gold dredge do? ›

A gold dredge is a placer mining machine that extracts gold from sand, gravel, and dirt using water and mechanical methods.

How old is Haddie Kaur? ›

Haddie Kaur: 22-23 years old. After Haddie graduated a high school, she realized the truth about her ability to feel paranormal things and became a ghost hunter, producing a web series about it.

Does dredge work from the graveyard? ›

702.52a Dredge is a static ability that functions only while the card with dredge is in a player's graveyard. “Dredge N” means “As long as you have at least N cards in your library, if you would draw a card, you may instead mill N cards and return this card from your graveyard to your hand.”

What is the most used perk in Dead by Daylight? ›

Perk and Build Stats
  • 18.99%Resilience.
  • 17.5%Adrenaline.
  • 14.65%Deja Vu.
  • 13.89%Iron Will.
  • 13.18%Sprint Burst.
  • 11.42%Dead Hard.
  • 10.25%Decisive Strike.
  • 9.68%Bond.

What is the most overpowered DBD survivor perk? ›

Please note that despite the numbers, these perks are not in any particular order and represent some of the best perks to use to escape the trials.
  • 8 Deadline.
  • 7 Sprint Burst.
  • 6 Kindred.
  • 5 Still Sight.
  • 4 Adrenaline.
  • 3 Made for This.
  • 2 Windows Of Opportunity.
  • 1 Off the Record.
May 24, 2024

What perks make you run faster in DBD? ›

Boon: Dark Theory will, for as long as the totem is active, give you haste while in its area of effect. Another exhaustion perk that gives a temp speed boost is Balanced Landing, which lets you take off upon falling from a high place.

What is the best perk for holdout decaying winter? ›

A good perk for preventing damage altogether is sovereign. Once you get around 5 ghosts, you become nearly untouchable. As long as you keep the numbers up, you only become more and more unstoppable and you'll barely take even a single tick of damage.

What is the best perk point in Fallout 76? ›

Fallout 76: 10 Best Perk Cards, Ranked
  • 10 Concentrated Fire. Category. Perception. ...
  • 9 Crafting Perks. Category. Intelligence, Agility. ...
  • 8 Fireproof. Category. Endurance. ...
  • 7 Team Medic. Category. Charisma. ...
  • 6 Adrenaline. Category. Agility. ...
  • 5 Blocker. Category. Strength. ...
  • 4 Weapon Damage Perks. Category. ...
  • 3 Serendipity. Category.
Apr 22, 2024

How do you beat The Dredge? ›

Tips To Counter The Dredge
  1. Avoid Lockers At All Cost. This one is for all the Dwight mains out there — lockers aren't safe against this killer. ...
  2. Beware Of His Anti-Loop. ...
  3. Listen Carefully During Nightfall. ...
  4. Decisive Strike. ...
  5. Distortion. ...
  6. Kindred. ...
  7. Windows Of Opportunity.
Jul 9, 2022


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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.